Terrific Kid will continue throughout the year. When your child is selected he/she will receive a bumper sticker, a gift certificate for McDonalds, and their name called over the announcements. Lane said, "I am so happy." Lane we are so proud of you - continue to do your personal best.
In the afternoon, we finished our workshops related to apples. We continued to make apples using construction paper and paper plates and even completed our apple painting. These crafts will be sent home next week and would be great to place on the fridge! After workshops, it was time to celebrate. The children was each given a 'taste.' If they liked it, they would be allowed to get more. Although a few declined, many attempted and tried it. It was simply amazing! It was great. Most of the children loved it. Most importantly, we made it together - and that is what was so special about it. We all sat back ate our applesauce and drank our apple juice and reflected on the day.
"I really liked the apple juice. I like wearing the hats," Sawyer said at the end of the day. Jermey said, "I liked the apple sauce. I liked apple stamping." Another student said, "This was a very fun learning day!" Seeing the joy of the faces of these children almost brought tears to my eyes. This is why I am a teacher! I love PLAYING, LEARNING, and GROWING together. I can't wait for the many more fun celebrations that are yet to come. Below are some pictures that I made into a video. I hope you enjoy.
Have a great 3-day weekend!
-Mr. Christopher Gibbs
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