We had another fantastic week! We now only have 60 days left of school. Can you believe it? This week, we celebrated Dr. Seuss. To begin our celebration, we joined schools all around America by participating in Read Across America Day. We had a blast! The children loved all the guest readers that came. Thanks for making it a fantastic day for our children.
In reading, we reviewed the short i word families. We reviewed -ig, -ip, and -it. The children are doing a great job. We even read and spelt words such as: ship, split, and twig! We also continued on with our next set of Dolch words. This week we learned: as, by, could, every, fly, and because. Your child is reading books that are way above the kindergarten level because they have a "strong" foundation of both sight vocabulary and phonics skills. Keep up the hard work at home. I am so proud!
We also read several Dr. Seuss books. We focused on real vs. fantasy when reading this week.
In math, we finished our unit on measurement. This week we learned about capacity. We learned that a larger container holds more than a smaller container. It seems that every child has mastered this concept. Next week, we will begin a unit on money. We will begin to learn how to identify the penny, nickel, and dime next week. Children should already have some prior knowledge because we work with money every morning during calendar. We will spend two weeks on money before moving onto time.
Writing was a blast this week! We wrote a letter to Dr. Seuss. We wrote to Dr. Seuss about his books. Some children wrote a thank you letter. Others, wrotei Dr. Seuss explaining their favorite book. Children are writing several sentences. I have students who are writing eight or more on one topic. That is IMPRESSIVE! Keep writing at home! Writing should become more dominant over illustrations. Your child should be writing five or more sentences at this point.
In science, we learned about the patterns of weather. We learned how weather can be rainy, windy, sunny, and snowy. Next week, we will learn about the seasons and finish our unit on weather.
Afternoon workshops were also fun. We did three Dr. Seuss crafts and even played a fun game! We created a Cat in the Hat face mask and wrote what we would do if we were the Cat in the Hat. Another station, we played Green Eggs and Ham Tic-Tac-Toe. We also made a Dr. Seuss puppet and a funny craft from the story The Cat in the Hat. The children had a blast. These are on display in the classroom and will be sent home within the next two weeks.
We will be learning more about weather next week and our theme will be dinosaurs. Thanks for all the boxes and milk jugs. We now have enough! We sent home a wish list earlier this week with items we need for March. Remember, anything is helpful. Also, this week I would like to honor the parents who help prepare our afternoon workshops. You do an OUTSTANDING job and we couldn't do it without you!
No ERD next week.
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