In reading, we read The Mitten by Jan Brett. We read the story throughout the week. We learned how to identify characters, problems, and events in a story. We also retold the story from beginning, middle, to end. We used special props to reenact the story too.
We also continued learning about winter during science and social studies. We learned about the weather in winter. We also learned about what people wear in colder weather. We discussed animals and where they go in the winter. Finally, we discussed snow! The weather this week was perfect for our theme. There is a chance of snow flurries on Saturday and Sunday – keep an eye on the weather!
Afternoon workshops are a chance for students to build their fine motor and social skills in small group settings. This week, our theme was winter and The Mitten. We laced a mitten and put cut-outs of the animals that were in the story into our mitten. The children can now retell the story using these props. We also made an Eskimo in Mrs. Shannon’s workshop. We followed directions to create a winter Eskimo. We also created a paper scarf using pattern blocks. We created a pattern and decorated a scarf for the season. Finally, we created an ice skate craft! Look for all of these projects and more to be sent home in the upcoming weeks. These are great to save for memories.
We are becoming star writers! We are beginning to do more writing in our classroom. Writing is becoming more intense. Children are writing fiction and nonfiction stories. This week, we wrote a story about winter. Children were to write four sentences correctly using the star writer’s rules: (1.) use finger spacing (2.) use top line, mid line, base line (3.) use proper letter formation (3.) always start with big letter – other letters small (4.) end in a period (5.) use word wall for unknown words. On Thursday, we wrote a nonfiction story about a lost mitten. We are currently in the process of binding it together to make another class book. Continue to write nightly with your child – writing rocks!
Speaking of writing, our class books came back. If you ordered one, it is in your child’s folder. These books are wonderful! If you remember, back in September we wrote a book about what we liked most about kindergarten. We put it all together and sent it away to be published into a hard-bound book. We just got them back and our “Kindergarten Rocks!” book is amazing! Even if you didn’t order one, you can stop by in our classroom to view my copy. It shows great growth. This was done in September. The writing of our students has improved greatly.
In math, we reviewed ordinal numbers, skip counting, and even/odd. We also learned how to write numbers from 1 to 45. Next week, we will begin 3D shapes. Please practice the sphere, cylinder, cube, and cone with your child. They will need to be able to identify them next Friday.
We also reviewed sight words this week. Next week, we will begin our book-in-a-bag again. Children are doing so well. Continue to practice at home nightly.
Hannah is our terrific kid this week. Hannah has had a great week this week. She follows all classroom and school rules and continues to do her personal best. Hannah is becoming an accomplished reader and writer. We are so proud of her! Good job Hanna-Banana!
Next week:
We are looking for afternoon volunteers on Tuesday and Thursday.
Reading:–ed word family
Math: 3D geometric solids
Science: How things move.
Workshops: Snowman
Early release on Wednesday!
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