Welcome to Kindergarten!

There is a wonderful sense of home when you walk through the front doors of Samsula Academy. I deeply believe that your child will find our school to be a warm and friendly place. I am very proud to be a part of the Samsula Academy School family. Once you have opened those doors you are a member of our family too.

I wish to welcome you to Kindergarten. Kindergarten is a new and exciting time for you and your child. It’s a time of change… new beginnings, new friends, new challenges and exciting discoveries! I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation for allowing me to be a part of your child’s life during this precious time of growth and discovery!

This is my honor to welcome you and your child into Kindergarten and into… my life. I will do my best to make this year in Kindergarten enjoyable but also filled with academics. My motto is: “The seeds I plant today will blossom into a flower tomorrow.” It will be my pleasure and privilege to watch your child’s personality and learning abilities blossom and unfold day by day.

I run a very effective classroom which is well structured but allows for fun and growth. I hold high expectations for all my students. Furthermore, I strongly believe in differentiated instruction. Research reveals that all students learn differently. Therefore, I plan my lessons to meet the needs of all students. It will be my honor to expand the growing minds of tomorrow and encourage them to become the great leaders of the new generation.

You will find very useful information on this blog. I will update it with events that are happening in our classroom, student work, and other related events. If you have any questions, you may contact me at cgibbs@readingedgeacademy.org

-Mr. Christopher Gibbs

Aa for Apple - Mm for Monkey

Wow. What a great start to the second week of school. Today, we got started with the kindergarten curriculum. This week we will be working with the letters Aa and Mm. We will be learning how to recognize these letters, learn their sounds, and the proper way to write these letters. I can't do this alone - I need the support of the parents to help reinforce this concept.

We are also starting homework this week and Book-In-A-Bag. These are two giant steps for our children. These are other ways at which we can reinforce what is being taught in the classroom. This week, we will be learning how to recognize the following Dolch Words: a, and, away, big, blue, I. Remember to review these with your child daily. He/she will be tested on Friday. If they can recognize these, they will get a prize and move on to the next set of words. Remember, Kindergarten Rocks - it is a time to play, learn, and grow!
Our children are making a great transition into kindergarten. The students in my classroom strive to do their personal best. At the end of the day, students are rewarded with a green dollar if they stay on green. When students receive a value of twenty, they may redeem them for a prize. After this Friday, students should have their first chance of getting a value of twenty. A good thing to do this weekend is to count the amount they have. If they have twenty, send them with your child on Tuesday - September 8, 2009.

Email all questions to cgibbs@readingedgeacademy.org
Special thanks to Michelle Coats for providing the pictures! :)

Kindergarten Rocks!

I have waited the entire week for this special celebration! Today was a day to celebrate in Mr. G's kindergarten classroom. We celebrated the end of our first week of school. Today was the last big shebang before we dive into the curriculum on Monday. We had a fantastic day today. We began by reading Kindergarten Rocks. This is a book by Katie Davis. Just in time for the new school year, this book eases fears about kindergarten with lots of laughs.

We then created hats, star glasses, and large "K" necklaces. We truly 'rocked it out' today. We wore our hats, glasses, and necklaces around our school today. We were the highlight of the school. This was only the beginning - there will be many more goofy celebrations throughtout the year.
I forgot my camera at home on this very special day; therefore, I do not have pictures - only memories. Hopefully your child can share this special day with you.
-Mr. Christopher Gibbs

Chicka Chicka Kindergarten!

It is hard to believe that today is Wednesday and we are at the midpoint in our week. It has been a pleasure to watch your child transition to kindergarten. We have done (and will continue) to read books related to kindergarten this week. We have also created a different craft for each book we read. We will have a small celebration on Friday celebrating the end of the first week! The celebration has been entitled, "Kindergarten Rocks." We will first read the book written by Katie Davis. After, we will celebrate by making crazy hats, star glasses, and large "K" necklaces. This will mark the end of our transition phase. It is Monday, August 31st when the real fun begins!

Yesterday, we read Miss Bindergarten Gets Ready for Kindergarten. This is a great book which discusses how each child (and teacher) gets ready for the upcoming year. After we read the book, we discussed ways in which we got ready. Finally, we made a class book. Below is the book we made in our classroom. We hope you enjoy it. It will remain in our classroom library throughout the year.

Today, we read another favorite. Chicka Chicka Boom Boom! is one of my favorite books. We read this great selection, reenacted using our classroom coconut tree, and made a small craft to take home. We had a blast being introduced to the letters of the alphabet by reading this great childhood classic.

Remember that on Friday, your child will be asked to tell either Mrs. Shannon or myself his/her lunch number. If they give us their correct number, they will be allowed to go to our treasure chest. Also, on Friday your child will be asked to read A School. This was sent home in the B.E.E folder at the beginning of the week. The boys and girls in my class are already reading it successfully. Once again, thanks for doing your part!

Classroom Wish List:
-EASY Button from Staples! :-) Students will love this!

-Mr. Christopher Gibbs

Mr. Gibbs Get's Ready for Kindergarten
Class Book 2009-2010

First Day Jitters? Not us!

What an amazing day it was at Samsula Academy today. We made it through the day with little to no tears and that was an accomplishment in itself! We had a fantastic day in kindergarten. We sang songs, read books, discussed our emotions, and even engaged in some learning. One of the stories we read today was The Kissing Hand. This was a great story which discussed feelings of saddness when going to school for the first time. We learned a lot from this book. Tonight, ask your child about the book - I am sure he/she will let you know all about it.

Thanks for the supplies! Our shelves are stocking up very quickly and I am very grateful to the amazing parents that I have this year. We will continue our journey tomorrow! Remember to send in a snack with your child tomorrow. Also, practicing his/her lunch number would also be very beneficial.


-Mr. Christopher Gibbs

Kindergarten Poem

School is approaching and I am excited. I just wanted to remind all my parents of the reasons I became a kindergarten teacher...

Finally, here is a poem you can share with your child before their big day!

Kindergarten Rocks!
I wondered and I wondered
When I could go to school.
They said I wasn’t old enough
According to the rule.

I waited and I waited,
I was patient as could be.
And now I’m all excited ...
It’s time for school for me!

Remember my email is cgibbs@readingedgeacademy.org.

-Mr. Christopher Gibbs

August 24, 2009

I am so happy to have had the chance to meet the parents at orientation on Wednesday night. I am so excited to have been given the chance to teach kindergarten at Samsula Academy. I hope you are just as excited as I am.

Monday, August 24th is the first day of kindergarten! This is going to be an adventure for you and your child. I recall my first days of kindergarten - filled with both tears of joy and sadness. I encourage you to discuss the concept of school the night before so that they are best prepared. Parents, it is very difficult to let go. Samsula Academy PTA is inviting parents to a special breakfast on the first day of school. This is a great time to mingle with other parents.

If at all possible, please send all items on the supply list with your child on Monday morning. This will allow Mrs. Bowden and I time to sort through the supplies and distribute them accordingly. Please do not write the name of your child on anything. I strongly believe in sharing - we are a community.

Finally, I would like to leave you with a quote:
Always kiss your children goodnight - even if they're already asleep. ~H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

I am so excited to begin and I am looking forward to working with you and your child. Remember to read, read, and read!

-Mr. Christopher Gibbs

Just a Reminder....

School is quickly approaching and I just wanted to remind you of the events happening at our school next week that lead up to the first day of classes. Below are just a few important reminders:

  • August 17-21: Volunteers needed to help the teachers, move classroom furniture around, clearning deks, replacing chair feet, etc...

  • August 19: 6:00 pm to 6:45 pm Kindergarten Orientation. This event will be in your child's classroom and the purpose is to meet the teacher, see the room and hear a brief introduction on our daily schedule. There will also be an overview of classroom and school procedures. Parents will recieve a Kindergarten Handbook at Mr. Gibbs' orientation that will set the framework for what is the come in this exciting year.

  • August 21: 11:00 am to - Meet the Teacher. This is designed for those who could not attend Kindergarten Orientation. The purpose is to meet the teacher and see the classroom for the first time.

  • August 24: 7:45 am to 2:20 pm First Day of Kindergarten.

Mrs. Bowden (my teaching assistant) and I are eager to meet the new eighteen shining faces that we will be welcoming into our lives. We look forward to meeting you at this upcoming week and we can only hope you are as excited as we are.

-Mr. Christopher Gibbs